Sunday at 11:00 AM
Morning Prayer ~ 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays
Holy Communion ~ 2nd & 4th Sundays
​​~ Sunday School at 10:00 AM ~
Reformed Episcopal Church,
127 W. Oak St., Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
What We Believe
Covenant Chapel is a parish of the Reformed Episcopal Church, a denomination founded in 1873. We are an evangelical church in the Anglican and Reformed tradition and a charter member of the Anglican Church in North America. Our desire is to serve God and the communities in northern New Jersey by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ in both our preaching and living.
We hold to the doctrines of grace as they are found in the 39 Articles of Religion and worship using a Book of Common Prayer liturgy taken from the evangelical branch of the historic Anglican Church. We invite you to join us for worship and to contact us should you have any questions or needs.
We believe that human beings, made in God’s image, are created to worship.
As Anglicans we actively participate in the worship of our Triune God through liturgy. Each Sunday, we share the historic Christian tradition of public and private prayer, confession of our sins, reminders of Christ’s forgiveness, and biblical instruction, all culminating in our shared celebration of Holy Communion.
Over time, intentional participation in the liturgy shapes our hearts and minds through spiritual growth, connecting and unifying our worship in the present with the broader body of Christ throughout the world.
Book of Common Prayer
The Book of Common Prayer was written by English Reformers as a way to help people from every walk of life worship God together. This work sought to bring worship to an accessible level for every person, outlining the general needs of the Christian community in a single, modest book.
In our liturgy, The Book of Common Prayer supports – but does not replace – the Bible. Organizing scripture for both corporate and private worship, The Book of Common Prayer includes diverse orders of prayer for personal, family, and collective spiritual growth. The included Lectionary also allows us to read through much of the Bible in a three-year sequence shared by thousands of churches worldwide.
For many, The Book of Common Prayer lends us a lifeline when we cannot find the words to say or struggle to remain reverent in the Lord’s presence. It deepens and enriches the worship of Almighty God by directing both our physical and spiritual postures Heaven-ward.